Friday 30 November 2012

Postcard Challenge Week 48

 Simone is off to Argentina for Darcy's Postcard Challenge this week.

Simone est allée en Argentine pour le Défi Carte postale de Darcy cette semaine.

Now....many of you may be asking what these big red balls have to do with Argentina, well, one of the boys favourite TV programmes is called Total Wipeout and it is filmed in Argentina. So when Graham suggested this for my card this week, I thought it was a fun idea.

Alors... beaucoup d'entre vous peuvent se poser ce que ces grosses boules rouges ont à voir avec l'Argentine, eh bien, l'une des émissions de télé préférées des garçons s'est appelé Total Wipeout et il est filmé en Argentine. Ainsi, lorsque Graham a suggéré cela pour ma carte de cette semaine, j'ai pensé que c'était une idée amusante.

She writes/ Elle écrit,

Yes, I want to be far from you. I must try and live my life for me now.
I only have a few weeks left to work. I have found someone to spend my retirement with and it's not you.
Speak to my lawyer this week.

Only one month left for these two to sort everything out.
Un mois seulement pour que ces deux de tout régler.

Come back tomorrow for a free tutorial of the Christmas wreath I made last week.

Revenez demain pour un tutoriel gratuit de la couronne de Noël que j'ai fait la semaine dernière. 

Alison xx


  1. I am one of those who are not familiar with the programme but are sure your boys will be highly delighted with your postcard! Well done.

    Janet xx

  2. a different postcard. very good.. oh dear, poor Tim or not.xx
